<------- that's a flying pig ... I didn't think it appropriate to show the monkeys ...
Thursday, September 28, 2006
You'll never know it
<------- that's a flying pig ... I didn't think it appropriate to show the monkeys ...
errands and rainbows
We dropped my husband off at the train station, this morning, so we could run errands and go to dance class. So ... away we went. Wal-Mart (joy), Hobby Lobby, and the library. My son destroyed anything happy that may have resided inside of me. I currently feel like a stressed out, tired shell of a being. Of course, after the library, I gave in to temptation and stopped at the culvers drive-through, instead of being good and getting lunch at home. I just don't care. I can't wait until nap time. I can either read, watch a movie, or sleep. I can drink coffee and have yummy brownies my husband made for me; Nobody is going to cry, scream, give me attitude, complain, or anything else. Hopefully, all will be well after my son gets some rest and my daughter gets her quiet time. Maybe then we can enjoy each other for a bit, before I drop him off at a friends and take her to dance class. If not ... well ... I may have hide until tomorrow.
On a good note, I downloaded pictures from my camera. I love this one! I can't believe it even turned out ... I was sticking my head out the window of a moving car!!

Monday, September 25, 2006
more from other people
"To say I was in a bad mood was an understatement. I'm sure my friends love when they see me and the first thing out of my mouth is, "BLAH BLAH BLAH MY LIFE SUCKS!!!!" (I know my therapist loves it.)
But then something happened.
As I sat having epileptic seizures from all the flashing lights and the music and the screaming children: I saw the guy dressed as Chuck E Cheese.
There he was, crouched down to greet all the kids, all the wired, hyper children coated in pizza grease. It must be hot in that full fur outfit, I thought, because it's kind of warm not in a full fur suit what with all the manic energy in this room.
And I watched him crouched down with kids lurching themselves at him and he almost fell over. Then I watched my friend's little girl trying to shove her tickets in Chuck E Cheese's mouth, thinking he was a ride? And the arms on his costume were too short so he couldn't block the tickets from being rammed into his mouth.
I watched him struggle and I thought, with a sinister laugh, "That guy hates his life way more than I will ever hate mine."
And for a moment, I felt a lot better."
better than I could say it
Saturday, September 23, 2006
taking a page from an old friend ...
Friday, September 22, 2006
dance classes and halloween - Fall is Here!
My daughter started her dance class again, last night. Last year she started taking ballet and
Halloween is coming up, and what do you think my children want to sress up as!??? Who else but Harry Potter. --They ARE their mother's children. I found a neat wizard's robes pattern, and thought it would be neat to make those for them to wear. Then, the other day we were at Target and my daughter saw the Harry Potter costume, complete with glasses. Now she wants that. I
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Mirror, Mirror on the wall
Friday, September 08, 2006
No troops, nukes (!?)
no troops, nukes.
I looked at the signs again, and realized that none of them said anything about peace. I must assume that the sign in question meant no troops, but send nukes!? (rather than no troops, no nukes) Is there actually a group of people out there that feel we should simply nuke our enemies and this would solve our problems!? Whhaaaa?
As a faithful Christian, I could mention the bible and maybe even thou shalt not kill or love your neighbor as yourself; maybe throw in a few coments about living as Jesus did, for good measure. There's alot I could say regarding respect for all life, human kindness and compassion, tolerance, and love... but I won't. People have a right to believe as they want, even if I disagree with it. They can say what they want, think what they want, do what they choose. That's the beauty of this country, isn't it? I don't have to agree with them.
What I will say is that it makes me sad to realize (not for the first time, not for the last time) that there are those out there who are perfectly sane, highly intelligent beings who do not seem to have the same respect and compassion for life that I do. I will say that my heart hurts to think of those people out there that believe that any type of killing can be justified. But that's just my opinion. Just call me another bleeding heart, tree-hugging liberal. (That's what some mebers of my extended family would say.) I say I'm just another mom for peace. I'm just another mom who wants love to prevail. What's so wrong with that?