As previously mentioned, I'm sewing the kids' Halloween costumes. It's really a pretty simple thing, these wizard's robes ... unfortunately, I've never done this before, so it's taking me quite a long time.
Saturday. My Mom came over and helped me to pin the pattern, and cut the material out. Quite the hilarious task, as we were both exhausted, and the material turned out to be slippery (we hadn't thought it would be a problem). If you've ever used a pattern ... 'nuff said.
Sunday. wasn't feeling well, nothing happened.
Monday. darn cold.
Tuesday. I wanted to start sewing the pieces on but realized that although I ahd been running errands all morning, I had not bought the thread I needed. Argh!
Wednesday. I meant to begin, but didn't get much further than getting my brand new machine set up and ready to go.
Thursday. I got a phone call from my daughter's dance instructor. She was calling to remind me that that evening's class was a costume party. My daughter was a cat for the party, not a wizard. (No big deal ... she really like that she got to wear make-up for the nose and whiskers.) I did start, though. I was very proud of myself. Friday. The main robe is done, the sleeves are sewn, but not attached. The outer hood is done, but not attached. After several calls to my Mom to ask her what to do next, I finally invited her over. She's making my son's robes because the pattern only went to a 7 and he's a 3T. She's good at the whole sewing thing, so we both figured she had a better chance of doing a good job with his. Anyway, she needs him to try it on, so she figured she might as well drive up here, tonight, and "hold my hand."I'd like to make it clear that I've done everything for my daughter's costume. --Just had to be talked through it, is all. :-)
I wish I could have done my son's, too ... but it wasn't possible. I should have started earlier, I guess.
When you have young children, it's wasy to mark major events by the changing of the seasons. For example, it solves repeated inquiries as to Christmas, in the middle of the summer. "Christmas is when it is very cold and there is snow."Today is October 12, yes October 12. It snowed this morning. No longer concerned with Halloween, my daughter ran around the apartment singing about Christmas. Grand. My husband and I have dug a small hole for ourselves, here. Not too difficult to get out of, I don't think ... but a hole nonetheless. Who would have thought it would snow so early?! Yes, this is Chicago. But I've lived in this area since I was 8, and thought I could at least count on no snow until November. Often, the first snow is on my Mom's birthday, in December. Of course my husband, who has lived in the Chicago area his whole life, took the opportunity to inform me that it was snowing the day he was born. (October 14.) That day and today must be the only days it has snowed in Mid0October in 30 years, because I certaintly don't remember it happening before. I was only 9 months old when he was born, and in Pennsylvania at the time. So of course I was not privy to this strange Chicago weather behavior. [note: I hope you've used a sarcastic inner voice while reading this.]At any rate, my children have now been involved in their very first snowball fight, with one another. By the time I grabbed the camera, though, it was over. Pity. It was cute. My daughter was doing snow angels, too. I had to grab a couple of blankets for them, because we had to get into the car after all of that snow-time fun. Their joy almost made me excited for the snow. Almost. Can I move to California now? Mention of my husbands birthday reminds me ... he's turning thirty in two days. He made so much fun of me, last February, when I was turned thirty. Now he faces the same issues I did. Growing up. Gone are the fun twenties. Here come the responsible thirties. What a mind job an age does to you. We've been responsible adults and parents for 5 years, now. But saying "thirty" freaks us out. What-ever. (<----please use valley-girl "w" with your hands when you say that.) Since thirty is such a momentous occasion my Mother has agreed to watch the kids and keep them overnight, so that the hubbie and I can spend some much needed and highly unusual time alone together. How nice. How very very very nice. Bet we are so confused by the lack of whining, giggling, screaming, crying, demanding voices that we end up frittering the time away do not much of anything; only to regret it and realize what we should have done, when it's time to pick the kids up. Isn't that always the way of things? Sigh ... it will be nice no matter what.
I tried to post this picture last week ... I had trouble, and then forgot I hadn't done it!! I'm still having trouble geting the picture posted, but I did want to say that I have a brand new (and very first) niece. YAY. Her mother was only 24 weeks along when she was born, but mom and baby are doing extraordinarily well. The daddy is my husband's brother. CONGRATULATIONS to them!! (even though they don't read this.) She is almost 2 weeks old, and I got see her last weekend. What a precious bundle. I had to try hard not to cry, she's that precious. I was a little suprised at the force of my emotions, when I saw her for the first time. I just wanted to scoop her up and take her home, she's that beautiful. Seriously.
I'm sitting in the airport, my flight's been delayed. This post will get online later tonight, or tomorrow morning, if I have time at my hotel. I have a meeting, tomorrow, and then I fly home again. What a whirlwind. I feel like a split personality...but -- that's an entirely different blog.
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On the surface I appear to be the stereotypical 30 something suburban housewife/mom. It's my fervent hope that there is much more to me than that. I deplore being judged solely on the merits of a stereotype - Those that do the judging are usually not kind in their analysis.
happy place (s): in the arms of my husband, snuggled up with my children, a nice scenic lake with the sounds of nature around me (and maybe a nice cup of coffee in my hands)
Favorite Song: Somewhere Over The Rainbow
current major obsession: the gym, healthy eating, cutting out the clutter
current minor obsessions: Harry Potter, bejeweled, facebook
past major obsessions: the bubbles game, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: SG1, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly, spider solitaire