Monday started well. I had the car for the day, and had many places to go; things to do. This would likely be the only day of the week in which I would have the car, so ... on your mark, get set, go!! 7:30 am, drive husband to train station. 7:50 am, try out new coffee shop- Conscious Cup. [Being a believer in fair trade coffee's (don't forget the chocolate!!) I absolutely loved this shop, and have already been there a second time!! (Equal Exchange is an excellent source for information and coffee orders, too) ]
After the Library we were off to Walmart. (or was that before the Library?) I know, I know ... I shouldn't shop there, I know. (Target doesn't have a sewing & craft section and I didn
Thus concludes the crazies of Monday. After the exciting morning, there was children napping, mama cleaning, and LOTS of book reading.
Tuesday I know I didn't have the car. I know I had a library book to read. I don't remember, besides the usual bevy of cleaning and such, what we did. Sorry!
Wednesday was fun! My Mother-in-law and sister-in-law (ref. sister #2) came to play. They live a little over an hour away, and we don't see nearly as much of them as I wish we did. (note: I should explain--most readers may be shocked that I want my husband's mother to visit. We are friends. In fact, I will go so far as to say we are good friends. I talk to her and my toher sister-in-law more than my husband does. I guess I'm just lucky, that way!!!) With caution as to my Mother-in-law's health and energy levels, we set out for lunch. (At Culver's ... I was sooo bad, last week!) I always save the free kiddie sundae coupons, and Mom gave me sister #2's (she's 9), so I now have 5 free sundae coupons! YAY! Anyway -- after lunch, we went to our
Friday was spent cleaning and then chilling out at my mom's house. My husband picked us up, that night, and we went home.
Saturday I had a committee meeting to atend, in the morning. I came home, took a nap, and then had a real-live date with my husband. (read: no kids!!) My mom had agreed (on short short notice) to watch the kids so we could use some of the gift certificates we had been given for Christmas. Yes, Christmas. We enjoyed a wonderful meal at the Olive Garden, and then saw Pirates of the Carribean. (-----> sigh ... Johnny Depp ... grin)
Sunday started out with cleaning. (The place looked utterly trashed!) Then a nice family lunch out at Noodles and Company. (I heartily recommend the Thai Curry Soup) A quick trip to Joseph's and we were home again, for the kids naptime. I pitted cherries for a vanilla cherry cobbler, and took a very short nap. We packed food and ingredients and set off for the home of some good friends of ours. We cooked them a delicious dinner of fajitas, salad, and cherry cobbler, and had a great time talking.
END WEEK. This is why I was too tired to write. I'm hoping this week is a little bit slower, in pace. Last week was great, but I need some time to recoup!