Saturday, February 17, 2007


We bought a dog. No, we did not leave the house, this morning, and say, "let's buy a dog, today." We left the house thinking, "let's go to Home Depot and buy some faucets, and then let's go work out at the gym." Long story short, we went to a pet store to let the kids giggle at the animals, and ended up leaving with a 13 week old male sheltie. My husband says I can name him whatever I want, but that he will call him Simon. So, Simon it is. (I was rooting for "snuffles" or "albus")

I was supposed to send email of pictures to family. I decided it would be easier to post them here. As he is not a child, and neither myself nor my husband, I do not feel I am breaking any of my own rules to post them. :-p

Besides, you'd never understand how darn cute this puppy is if you didn't see him for yourself!!


marc said...

Very cute... and no Sarah and I never once considered Simon as a baby name. Glad to know that Snuffles is free, however. PS, Simon is a fine name, but I like Albus too! Not nerdy at all :)

Ashley said...

Very Cute!!!! It's funny how you leave the house to do one thing, and end up coming home with a pet! That is pretty much how Cosmo came into our home. I swore I'd never have a cat, but I caved he was just to adorable to pass up!

Anonymous said...

Molly, Dad and I all think he is sooo cute! Molly wants to come over right now. Now I have as many grand dogs as grandchildren:)

Anonymous said...

simon's a fine name for a puppy.

and marc, you should definitely name your baby snuffles.

buddhageek said...

Simon is a pretty good name, especially if he likes "to do drawrings", now it isn't as cool a dog name as, say, Oscar, but its alright.