Sunday, February 18, 2007

Which would you choose?

Grocery shopping:

Sunday afternoon in a store sooo packed and insane that traffic lights need to be installed ... the trip takes 2 hours, but no kids are with you.


Weekday morning, a few people shopping in a patterned and orderly fashion ... the trip takes an hour, but that's because the kids are with you.


marc said...

This is actually a great sociological question. Do we choose standardization and efficiency or the social value of having two hours away from the kids? From a social value standpoint, even if the kids weren't with you either time then I'd still pick the longer time span as a better deal. From an efficiency standpoint, sorry but I'd multitask and take the kids.

marc said...

By the way, Happy Birthday!

meandering mama said...

I'd take the kids, too ... I'm not kidding about the place needing traffic lights, last Sunday. Good grief. (It was nice to be able to look the food packages over and be more choosy than usual, though!)

meandering mama said...

oh, and THANKS! :-)

marc said...

Well I didn't say which I'd prefer. Taking the kids is the efficiency option, but I think I like social value better (which is the no-kids option). Sometimes having kids with you adds social value, but not necessarily when grocery shopping! But ask again in about six months and I'll speak more from experience instead of guesswork :)