This Dishwasher is not mine, but imagine it's black and in my kitchen. --->
Our dishwasher broke almost a year ago. We probably could have called a repairman and had it fixed, but it was old and problematic, anyway. We* decided to simply leave it and start handwashing all the dishes.
On Monday our tax return came. I went out and bought a dishwasher. Yesterday, it was installed. It's pretty. It's new.
Our countertop is now towel-free and dish-free. I think that's what I like the best. Truth be told, I really didn't mind hand washing everything. We keep the dishes rinsed, so it's really not a big deal. What I minded was the resulting clutter on the countertop all the time. Our kitchen is miniscule in size and we need every bit of counter we can get!
In other news ...
Our bedroom windows have to be custom-fit. There's a company that our association recommends, and they are the most familiar with our needs. The kids had a small hole in their screen, which, of course, they put their hands through and made much larger. We've been putting off getting it replaced because we thought it would be quite pricey.** The guy came out and took the screen, Wednesday.*** It will cost us $25. Yep. I'm sure glad we held off sooo long on that one.
After the big dishwasher purchase, we went to Target.*** It was so nice to buy the kids more than to clothing items at once. Don't get me wrong -- most of was still from the clearance rack, or on sale at the very least. But they only need a few more items to set them for the summer. Unless they grow. ha.
We also hope to install new ceiling fans, this weekend. The one's in our rooms have been reduced to one speed only. Ours is fast and the kids is slow. In addition to this our fan has lights that do not work. Seriously. That's how bad the fans are. Last summer the lights stopped turning on. I have never heard of this happening, but sure enough ... there it is. My mom purchased some ceiling fans a few years ago, and then ended up not installing them. She said we could have them. How nice. My husband plans to pick them Saturday morning after his softball game. yay!
*I use the pronoun we loosely, here.
**We're not idiots, we had good reason to think that!!
***See above tax return comment.
And by "a few years ago," let me point out that I was with Mom during the purchase while I lived in Elgin. Think 1998. (Glad to see them getting some good use.)
Congrats on your new dishwasher! We finally got our new kitchen counter/cabinet/sink and love it. More than simple pleasures, because we spend so much time in the kitchen!
Oh and I wanted to mention that you reminded me of a joke I heard by an old order Mennonite man back when doing interviews for my MA. He said that modern folks can never believe how they get by without a dishwasher, where he always tells them: "Oh we have a dishwasher; she's right over there!" and points to his oldest daughter.
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