Friday, October 26, 2007

Give. Me. A. Break.

I'm taking this opportunity to register a formal complaint. I was at the mall, this morning. There were Christmas wreaths and greens up at each entrance and trees and other decor being put up inside.

We have sunk to a new low, people. I was willing to (unhappily) put up with decorations out at the start of November; I understand how important the Christmas/Holiday season is to merchants. But, c'mon! For crying out loud, people!!!!!! It's not even Halloween yet. Are you serious!?

Also-- it's difficult to explain to children that Christmas is a looong ways off, when there are decorations in all the stores pronouncing it's arrival. I think 3 (and even 6) is a little young to explain American commercialism and how retailers must worship the almighty dollar....

That's it. That's all I'm going to say (for now). I'm too upset/mad to type on this subject with any amount of logic and intelligence. It's a rant. I know. A short rant. But I mean it!!!!!

1 comment:

marc said...

You'll be happy to know that the West Loop hipster/corporate district is decked out with hay and scarecrows. Works great for October, and now that I think of it will carry us to Thanksgiving!

Sarah read this before me and was equally astonished. I mean, it was 80 degrees last weekend...