Toys must be out of the bed before officially being tucked in for naptime. It's pretty funny having a 2 year old ask me to put away the "extra" dolls on his bed. My book must not be on the floor of the living room, but in my lap, at all times. Ditto for my cell phone. If Elizabeth does not take her plate to the sink quickly enough (because, oh, say ... she's still eating ...), he will take it to the sink himself. He found a toy in the wrong compartment in the toy organizer, took it out and brought it to me. (I thought I was the only one in this family that neurotic!) As I said, though, this only pertains to his own personal scope ... ie) he just dumped out all the puzzle pieces and is currently whipping them around the room and sitting in a pile of them playing. There seems to be no real rhyme or reason as to when this neurosis will pop up. He sings ... but mostly in private. I'm not sure my husband even believes me when I tell him how musical his son is. He is completely fearless is a pool, but take him to a lake, and he turns into a wimp. -You must hold him if you go into the water; he mostly ends up playing in the sand, at the shoreline.
I look forward to seeing how this all develops...
Song of the Day: "Pig on Her Head" -- Laurie Berkner
This post made me laugh.
My 10 year old can make a mess but he plans out his wardrobe in advance & God help you if you mess up his hair.
Kids are crazy when to comes to what they obsess about. :-)
my son freaks out if his clothing gets wet, and must have them immediately removed, because they are dirty. He eats and gets his hands dirty and must have them washed immediately. If his face is a mess, though, he doesn't care. (he doesn't see it, so it doesn't exist)
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