Saturday was a full day, too. The best part was taking my daughter and #2 to Hobby Lobby, to purchase craft items (we didn't know what) to make something for my mom-in-law's birthday. We ended up buying a nice canvas purse and decorating it. How fun, and really nice looking it turned out! I really really wish I had thought to take a picture of it. -I'd love to show you all how turned out. At any rate, I highly recommend glitter glue and iron on's.
The kids have been angels. (mostly ... they are 2 and 4, after all!) I can hardly believe everything we've done the last several days, and how low my stress levels have been. I'm not sure who's children they are, but I've been enjoying it!! Now ... if only my daughter would sleep an entire night in her own bed. --I thought she would when S2 was visiting. (S2 slept on the floor in the kids' room.) But, no. I've been trying to avoid doing the chart system (it invloves days and weeks and stickers and a reward system), but I've just about exhausted all other options. My mother even tried blatent bribery. Ideas??
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