Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Random thoughts, by me

What I want for Christmas is my condo cleaned, my condo cleaned
YES, my condo cleaned .... (Sing to the tune of My two front teeth)
random stream of consciousness ....

I wish I had an office. I have work I need to do. The floor in my living room is not entirely conducive to a quiet and thought-provoking environment. Nor is the dining room table, where crayons, paper, and handouts from school reign supreme. My bedroom? eh. Maybe ... but we'd still be talking about working on the floor; we decided a couple of years ago that we had no room for a desk, got rid of it and the large computer. Enter: laptop. It really was a good organizational & space-saving plan, but it does make it difficult to accomplish real work. Ryan always sits on the couch, or works in bed. But ... I have a number of large easel notes to spread around me, along with a couple of binders, and other notes. If I put them on the floor, the dog will trample them, and I'd have to clean ip all the toys. I don't wanna clean. My little brother has offered to come over and watch the kids so I can work. I think the best things to do is to go somewhere that has free wireless there. People with offices, at work and/or at home, have no idea how lucky they are.

I was gone last week, in Virginia for meetings. I do mean meetingS. (note: capital "S") By estimate I sat through approximately 56 hours of meetings, 5 different committees, over a span of 6 days. I chaired one of those meetings. ANYWAY ... while I was gone, my husband stayed at home with the kids. I thought, for awhile, that he was trying to "outmom" me. Here's the 'short list" of his week: the kids cleaned their room (REALLY cleaned ... not just their version), he took the mounds and mounds of clothing/toys/books from my closet to Goodwill (it's an hour away), ordered parts for and then fixed the bathroom fan, put a new battery in the car, went to book fair night at school, did our first parent-teacher conference, read this blog (hadn't done that in a year?), created a website for us that included a way to download pictures and a calendar that would incorporate our personal calendars and put them into one big one (YES!!), and got two days worth of work done. Keep in mind -- SHORT LIST. yep. I told him, Saturday, when he picked me that I thought he was doing such a great job that maybe I should go away again. (:-p) He said "no way!" He was too tired, and wanted me to take "my job" back. That was something, at least, right? I supposed I should also keep in mind that he was coming to "the job" with new energy. Y'know ... the kind of energetic "let's do it!" attitude that tends to go away after a month or two. Maybe not. Maybe he really could outmom me on a regular basis, but I need to cling to my theory, thank you very much. ;-)

hmm ... what else ... what else ... Thanksgiving is tomorrow. I'm excited to be able to spend a little more time with my husband. We had some great family time on Sunday, but I really have barely seen my husband since before I left for Virginia. A victim of our schedules, I suppose. We have major family commitments Thursday and probably Friday, but at least we'll be in a room together. Well ... the same house, anyway. That's an improvement.

1 comment:

marc said...

Ooh, take the babysitting offer! One word of advice, either send the kids away or leave the house to do your work. A sitter in the same space as your children and you does not a productive person make :)