Friday, December 22, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
nighty-night wii
Are you ready?
My son is two and half, and said,"dehtjsu god fo mawio" in his prayer this evening. Thank goodness he prayed for his Papa Brown and Mama, too, or I'd be really worried.
This all parallels a desparate search for a Wii. My husband wants one for Christmas. I believe him when he says somethingliek this is good. He loves to "game" (as they call it...), and used to work for a video game company. He's no dummy ... I did my own short-term research, too. I decided it was likely a good buy, and decided to go ahead with things. Unfortunately, this started this past Sunday (17th). Friendly advice: When someone tells you something is sold out everywhere, believe them. You are not going to find it in Sticksville, or anywhere else. Don't bother calling Best Buy or Toys R Us. They are so completely sold out, they've added this bit a trivia to the recording that picks up their phone, when you call the store. Toys R Us online might offer a bundled package, but it's not likely that you really want to pay that much for a bundle including games you'd never buy without the bundle. Don't bother with Circuit City, Target, or Wal-Mart, either. Wal-Mart may be offering a Wii gift card, but it ain't the real thing. I've got a bid in on one on Ebay, but since I'm not willing to pay more than the $300 minimum bid, I'm really not holding my breath ...
Wii shall have to wait until January for our game play.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Fun, Fun, Fun 'till the roaches take the bread away
(normally, I'd insert a picture of the topic, now ... but I've been staring at these pictures all week, trying to identify and learn about my new pets, and they make my sking crawl ... I've decided to spare you that. You may thank me now.)
On the bright side, I have a brand-new-shiny stainless steel (with a lid) garbage can and many pretty (and very expensive) new containers for cereal, pasta, and other misc. food items.
On an entirely different note, I've started my son's very first "potty chart." For those of you not familiar with the concept, it's very simple. Every time he puts his pee-pee in the potty, he gets a sticker to place in that day's column, on a chart. When the chart shows the required amount of stickers (this week it's 2), on each day of the week, a treat has been earned. I thought it would make it more tempting for him, if he knew he could pee standing up ... so I tried to tell him, and position him for the deed ... he thought I was a very silly, silly mama. Here I am, putting him on a step stool, lifting the lid to the toilet, and trying to show him how to direct his pee into the potty ... my daughter (who cannot mind her business) keeps peeking around the corner and giggling. I said to my son that this is what Daddy did sometimes, and my daughter yells out,"Daddy doesn't do that!." --To which I responded, "yes he does, he just closes the door, first." This, apparantly, was a suprising and new revelation. My son, giggling now and trying to instruct me that the seat should be down, still thought me loony. When I related this to my husband, he laughed and said he supposed he could understand how I thought it was an enticing novelty, but asked me to please not encourage our son to do this for at least a few years. He was anticipating pee being sprayed everywhere. Funny, but in my
<--------------- the cat gets it ... how hard can it be!?
Thursday, December 07, 2006
better late than never ...


Happy Birthday to my daughter ... this castle is my first time working with fondant. I liked it, but wouldn't mind another crack at it sometime ...
We visited family at Thanksgiving, and had our annual trip to Chocolate World ... I get very nostalgic there.

Friday, December 01, 2006
snowed in
Now that I'm actually typing again, I guess maybe I should do this thing up right. Updates, apologies and promised pictures. On second thought, I think I'll make it a second entry, and I'll try and do it later on today...
Friday, October 27, 2006
the great costume caper
Saturday. My Mom came over and helped me to pin the pattern, and cut the material out. Quite the hilarious task, as we were both exhausted, and the material turned out to be slippery (we hadn't thought it would be a problem). If you've ever used a pattern ... 'nuff said.
Sunday. wasn't feeling well, nothing happened.
Tuesday. I wanted to start sewing the pieces on but realized that although I ahd been running errands all morning, I had not bought the thread I needed. Argh!
Wednesday. I meant to begin, but didn't get much further than getting my brand new machine set up and ready to go.
Thursday. I got a phone call from my daughter's dance instructor. She was calling to remind me that that evening's class was a costume party. My daughter was a cat for the party, not a wizard. (No big deal ... she really like that she got to wear make-up for the nose and whiskers.) I did start, though. I was very proud of myself.
Friday. The main robe is done, the sleeves are sewn, but not attached. The outer hood is done, but not attached. After several calls to my Mom to ask her what to do next, I finally invited her over. She's making my son's robes because the pattern only went to a 7 and he's a 3T. She's good at the whole sewing thing, so we both figured she had a better chance of doing a good job with his. Anyway, she needs him to try it on, so she figured she might as well drive up here, tonight, and "hold my hand." I'd like to make it clear that I've done everything for my daughter's costume. --Just had to be talked through it, is all. :-)
I wish I could have done my son's, too ... but it wasn't possible. I should have started earlier, I guess.
I will be sure to post picture when I am done.
Friday, October 13, 2006
let it snow, let it snow, let it snow ...
I tried to post this picture last week ... I had trouble, and then forgot I hadn't done it!! I'm still having trouble geting the picture posted, but I did want to say that I have a brand new (and very first) niece. YAY. Her mother was only 24 weeks along when she was born, but mom and baby are doing extraordinarily well. The daddy is my husband's brother. CONGRATULATIONS to them!! (even though they don't read this.) She is almost 2 weeks old, and I got see her last weekend. What a precious bundle. I had to try hard not to cry, she's that precious. I was a little suprised at the force of my emotions, when I saw her for the first time. I just wanted to scoop her up and take her home, she's that beautiful. Seriously.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
read a banned book
show your support of the freedom to read as you choose, here.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
You'll never know it
<------- that's a flying pig ... I didn't think it appropriate to show the monkeys ...
errands and rainbows
We dropped my husband off at the train station, this morning, so we could run errands and go to dance class. So ... away we went. Wal-Mart (joy), Hobby Lobby, and the library. My son destroyed anything happy that may have resided inside of me. I currently feel like a stressed out, tired shell of a being. Of course, after the library, I gave in to temptation and stopped at the culvers drive-through, instead of being good and getting lunch at home. I just don't care. I can't wait until nap time. I can either read, watch a movie, or sleep. I can drink coffee and have yummy brownies my husband made for me; Nobody is going to cry, scream, give me attitude, complain, or anything else. Hopefully, all will be well after my son gets some rest and my daughter gets her quiet time. Maybe then we can enjoy each other for a bit, before I drop him off at a friends and take her to dance class. If not ... well ... I may have hide until tomorrow.
On a good note, I downloaded pictures from my camera. I love this one! I can't believe it even turned out ... I was sticking my head out the window of a moving car!!

Monday, September 25, 2006
more from other people
"To say I was in a bad mood was an understatement. I'm sure my friends love when they see me and the first thing out of my mouth is, "BLAH BLAH BLAH MY LIFE SUCKS!!!!" (I know my therapist loves it.)
But then something happened.
As I sat having epileptic seizures from all the flashing lights and the music and the screaming children: I saw the guy dressed as Chuck E Cheese.
There he was, crouched down to greet all the kids, all the wired, hyper children coated in pizza grease. It must be hot in that full fur outfit, I thought, because it's kind of warm not in a full fur suit what with all the manic energy in this room.
And I watched him crouched down with kids lurching themselves at him and he almost fell over. Then I watched my friend's little girl trying to shove her tickets in Chuck E Cheese's mouth, thinking he was a ride? And the arms on his costume were too short so he couldn't block the tickets from being rammed into his mouth.
I watched him struggle and I thought, with a sinister laugh, "That guy hates his life way more than I will ever hate mine."
And for a moment, I felt a lot better."
better than I could say it
Saturday, September 23, 2006
taking a page from an old friend ...
Friday, September 22, 2006
dance classes and halloween - Fall is Here!
My daughter started her dance class again, last night. Last year she started taking ballet and
Halloween is coming up, and what do you think my children want to sress up as!??? Who else but Harry Potter. --They ARE their mother's children. I found a neat wizard's robes pattern, and thought it would be neat to make those for them to wear. Then, the other day we were at Target and my daughter saw the Harry Potter costume, complete with glasses. Now she wants that. I
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Mirror, Mirror on the wall
Friday, September 08, 2006
No troops, nukes (!?)
no troops, nukes.
I looked at the signs again, and realized that none of them said anything about peace. I must assume that the sign in question meant no troops, but send nukes!? (rather than no troops, no nukes) Is there actually a group of people out there that feel we should simply nuke our enemies and this would solve our problems!? Whhaaaa?
As a faithful Christian, I could mention the bible and maybe even thou shalt not kill or love your neighbor as yourself; maybe throw in a few coments about living as Jesus did, for good measure. There's alot I could say regarding respect for all life, human kindness and compassion, tolerance, and love... but I won't. People have a right to believe as they want, even if I disagree with it. They can say what they want, think what they want, do what they choose. That's the beauty of this country, isn't it? I don't have to agree with them.
What I will say is that it makes me sad to realize (not for the first time, not for the last time) that there are those out there who are perfectly sane, highly intelligent beings who do not seem to have the same respect and compassion for life that I do. I will say that my heart hurts to think of those people out there that believe that any type of killing can be justified. But that's just my opinion. Just call me another bleeding heart, tree-hugging liberal. (That's what some mebers of my extended family would say.) I say I'm just another mom for peace. I'm just another mom who wants love to prevail. What's so wrong with that?
Monday, August 28, 2006
"Wherever you go, we go too."
I just finished reading Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince for about the millionth time, and I am again struck by the incredible bond of love and friendship between Harry, He
That's about all I got, today. I'm sure I could keep typing many more paragraphs, but I'm also sure that they wouldn't be very ... ah ... fluid?
Thursday, August 17, 2006
I did my hair today
While I was blow drying my hair my son brought me his shoes. While I was dressing, my son kept circling me asking where we were going. After I got dressed my d
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Dinosaurs, Coffee, and PB&J
I'm babysitting my best friend's little boy, today. Their regular babysitter is sick, today. He's two years old, and can tell me the name of almost any dinosaur, on sight. This includ
Activity: Counting. When my kids seem ready to learn numbers, I begin by counting stairs when we go up and down them. This happens alot, since we have a condo on the second floor, and you have to go up stairs to get to the entry of our library. I like this method. It not intrusive, they have to use listening skills, and number values get introduced at the same time.
Beautiful Day, NO?
I am all out of regular coffee. I've tried to supplement the lack of regular coffee with caffeinated tea -- caffeine, duh -- and decaf coffee --to trick myself with taste (no ... not at the same time, yuck!). It's only worked a little. My head is bothering me. I'm tired and ready to implode. The internet isn't working. (I'm typing this on notepad and hoping to upload it later.) AND, my
What a beautiful day I am having.
I just changed another poopy diaper (that kid is a machine, the last two days), and gave in to the powers of tv. Dora is my best friend, right now, as I am no longer in danger of implosion.
This is all just the tip of the iceberg...There are other, bigger things happening in our family. Some good, much not so good. None that I feel free to discuss, though. I wish I did. I wish I could. I think it would help me to just "get it all out." I only mention it so that you get an idea of my current state of mind. Somehow I don't think "aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhrgh!" quite covers it. I want a do-over, starting at about Friday evening. If anyone can make that happen for me, please don't hesitate. You have my gratitude.
Do you ever have a day like this?
Food: cantaloup. I cut a small cantaloup in half, and use my trust [pampered chef] scooper to hollow it out. It's quick, it's easy, the kids like-y. Good snack.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
You sank my Battleship!
He just asked me if I was blogging ... upon hearing my affirmative answer he told me he thought I was cute. He thinks it's cute. I definitely married the right man. If there were ever any doubts (there weren't), I can now say ... he's the one!
Truthfully, though ... I'm really not that nerdy. I may like some sci fi shows, I may love me little laptop, I may be obsessed with Harry Potter and the whole wizarding world ... but, that's where it all stops. Once you get past that ... I'm a little strange, but not even a little bit nerdy. My husband on the other hand ... well ...
Games: Today my son enjoyed jumping on top of me like a frog. As the jumpee (not the jumper) I don't reccomend it.
Friday, August 11, 2006
A Star is Born
When she becomes amazingly successful, I promise to live with total and complete vicariousness. (is that a word??)Activity: Glue, glue, glue. Especially glitter glue. I let my daughter use the tube of glue, for my son I put a small dab on a q-tip. They have fun coloring animal shapes that I've drawn and cut out with the glue.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Everything in it's place
Toys must be out of the bed before officially being tucked in for naptime. It's pretty funny having a 2 year old ask me to put away the "extra" dolls on his bed. My book must not be on the floor of the living room, but in my lap, at all times. Ditto for my cell phone. If Elizabeth does not take her plate to the sink quickly enough (because, oh, say ... she's still eating ...), he will take it to the sink himself. He found a toy in the wrong compartment in the toy organizer, took it out and brought it to me. (I thought I was the only one in this family that neurotic!) As I said, though, this only pertains to his own personal scope ... ie) he just dumped out all the puzzle pieces and is currently whipping them around the room and sitting in a pile of them playing. There seems to be no real rhyme or reason as to when this neurosis will pop up. He sings ... but mostly in private. I'm not sure my husband even believes me when I tell him how musical his son is. He is completely fearless is a pool, but take him to a lake, and he turns into a wimp. -You must hold him if you go into the water; he mostly ends up playing in the sand, at the shoreline.
I look forward to seeing how this all develops...
Song of the Day: "Pig on Her Head" -- Laurie Berkner
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Food Favorites -- my kids loooove sweet potatoes. I often slice them like french fries, spray them with oil, then broil them. Healthy and yummy!